Favourable Gems/राशि रत्न Tantrik Pendant/ तांत्रिक लाकेट Baby Names/बच्चों के नाम |
People born on dates 3, 12, 21, 30 will have mulaank 3. Jupiter is assumed as KAARAK of wealth, education, children, MANTRANA. But people related with this number are full of education, wealth, intelligence, children happiness. Struggling nature is a personal characteristic of their life. These people always take part in debates and are ahead in discussions. Always show off with their knowledge and intelligence, mentally they are stable and wide. There family is big, special interest in gaining knowledge, also known as book worms. If they have jealousy towards someone, then there progress will stop as they will give emphasis to that jealousy, because it is in there nature. No.3 people are full of jealousy and negative behavior due to which they are full of ego. If they get rid from this feeling they can be very successful, can become writer, philosopher and socialist. They are full of self respect, get angry very fast, and react faster. Logics which they give on each and particular thing are so much defined that, no body can refuse them. Through there language, writing ability people are attracted towards them very faster. Due to the impact of Jupiter, there thoughts will be religious they will be famous in social work and mentally related work. They get their earnings from writing, publishing, learning- teaching, re-search work, social work and holistic Discipline lovers they are and have their own principles due to which sometimes, there loved ones and friends became enemy. These people are rulers, love to rule others, leaders and very ambitious. They rule so hardly, that people working under them became enemy. If they can sacrifice with their jealousy feeling then they will be more famous.